Chamber Music Concert with Signature Quartet New Pieces of Hope
- ALRUNA by Kiersten Moser
- Eerie Suite by Geoff Logan
This concert is part of the “Living Premieres Project,” a collaboration of Signature Symphony with living composers to showcase Tulsa’s talent to premier new music performed by professional musicians. The composers’ pieces featured in this concert both begin in a dark place and end in a place of celebration and hope. This is the premier performance of ALRUNA. The Eerie Suite, specifically written for Signature Quartet, premiered March 6, 2020 at AHHA one week before the shut-down due to the pandemic.
ALRUNA by Kiersten Moser
- A Song of Fire
- She in Winter Becoming
- Cardboard Dance
- Echoes of Her Past
- Interlude
- Little Hope
Eerie Suite by Geoff Logan
- part 1: Eerie
- part 2: The Chase
- part 3: Fear and Love
- part 4: Frivolity